
Local Business Marketing
Google Ads
SEO Strategy

Google Analytics | Google Tag Manager | Google Data Studio | Google My Business | Google Ads

Email: [email protected]


How Brad Imming Can Help You

Working primarily with local businesses, we create customized measurement plans to help busy business owners understand where customers are finding their brand online. For businesses interested in lead generation, we specialize in Google Ads Paid Search marketing.

Tailored for small to medium-sized local businesses, our Measurement and Google Ads services start at $500/month. However, the rate will depend on the scope of work required and timeline considerations.

All of our services are provided on month-to-month contracts, so you will never be locked into any long-term commitments. However, for best results be prepared to commit to working together for a minimum of 3 months.

Note: We do not provide Website Development services, so we only work with clients who have a dedicated Web Developer.

Brad Imming


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