Congratulations, You’ve Been Accepted into the Measurement Marketing Certification program!

Activate Your Certification Today!



Pay in full

Best Value



Make 4 monthly payments of $2,999 each

We kick off on Monday, April 22!


Founder, Solutions 8

“I've built two multi-million dollar businesses on the back of what [] taught me.”

Here’s a Summary of What’s In the Measurement Marketing Certification

Program Schedule

Meet Your Measurement Marketing Certification Instructors



jeff sauer

When you join the Measurement Marketing Certification, you also get access to the following…

Our Private Class Slack Channel for 12 months

Lifetime Access to Measurement Marketing Academy

Lifetime Access to Data Driven Insiders Marketing Programs

Plus you’ll also get these bonuses…

BONUS #1: Add 3 seats to your account, each getting access to both Measurement Marketing Academy and Data Driven Insiders
BONUS #2: Get 12 months of Expanded Coaching and Support for all seats in your account

And after you earn your certificate, you will also get:

BONUS #3: Invited to an exclusive Certified Slack Channel with other CMMs meet, network, ask questions, help each other… and get client referrals through our CMM directory!
BONUS #4: Business Builders Weekly Calls for 12 Months helping you avoid most mistakes entrepreneurs make…
BONUS #5: Measurement Marketing Agency Blueprint live coming in August 2024 to help you build your business more profitably

Plus so many more benefits that only a CMM would get!

Activate Your Certification Today!



Pay in full

Best Value



Make 4 monthly payments of $2,999 each

© 2024 –

Thank you! You've activated your Measurement Marketing Certification Program!

Please Check Your Inbox!

We emailed you the details of your training as well as the login details for you to access the Measurement Marketing Membership Academy.

We are excited to see you become a Certified Measurement Marketer!

Should you have questions, please email [email protected].

Reserve your spot now!


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"On-Demand Workshops"...

See How "Ask An Instructor" Support Works...

What's Inside the W.I.N. Courses...